In commemoration of the World Wetlands Day, 2 February, the most recent project of the Association PATO - "BioLagoa de Óbidos - Aves aquáticas da Lagoa de Óbidos" was presented.
The project aims to raise awareness of the diversity of water birds in Óbidos Lagoon, as well as to raise awareness of their conservation.
It has a scientific aspect and an environmental education aspect. The scientific component is related to the monthly count of waterbirds at six strategic points along the Lagoon and analysis of their data. In terms of environmental education, a set of activities dedicated to the educational community and the general public will be promoted, as well as the elaboration and promotion of a website dedicated to the water birds of the lagoon.
On this website you can consult the data of the counts over the months as well as other information of interest related to water birds and the Óbidos Lagoon.
This event was also announced by the Mayor of Óbidos, Dr. Filipe Daniel, and by the Mayor of Caldas da Rainha, Dr. Vítor Marques, the beginning of a joint work between the municipalities with the collaboration of Association PATO for the elaboration of Óbidos Lagoon candidacy for Ramsar site.
Several entities were present, including the project partners, Águas do Tejo Atlântico and Óbidos Municipality, but also the Municipality of Caldas da Rainha, Aspiring Geoparque Oeste, Turismo Centro Portugal, Intertidal, ICNF, members and partners of the PATO Association, social communication, among others. We thank all those who were present.
This event was covered by the television station RTP1 and was broadcast on the program "Portugal em Direto".
Watch on RTP Play at 30:40.
Follow the project on social media facebook (biolagoadeobidos) and instagram (@biolagoadeobidos).